Over 400,000 Copies of ‘Beasts’ in Print; An e-Book for ‘Isaac’s Storm;’ And, a Query About ‘Suicide Hill’

Erik’s publisher has alerted him to the happy fact that more than 400,000 copies of In the Garden of Beasts are now in print. This doesn’t mean that 400,000 copies have been sold already, but it is an excellent indicator of sales volume, and of his publisher’s confidence in the book. This pleases Erik no end.

Erik is also pleased to report that an e-book will at last be available for Isaac’s  Storm–not immediately, but soon. He urges patience, and will keep everyone posted as to when it becomes available.   

Meanwhile, Erik wants to throw out a random question: Does anyone out there remember a vacant lot at the corner of Rose and Park in Freeport, Long Island, that had a steep ravine which Erik and his death-wish-bearing friends nicknamed “Suicide Hill?” And does anyone else recall rolling down that ravine inside moving barrels, over and over, to the point where everyone went home with bloody noses?


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Erik Larson is the author of six previous national bestsellers—The Splendid and the Vile, Dead Wake, In the Garden of Beasts, Thunderstruck, The Devil in the White City, and Isaac’s Storm— which have collectively sold more than twelve million copies. His books have been published in nearly forty countries.

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