
Light at the End of the Tunnel, if Not Necessarily in the Skies Over Seattle

Many of you have very kindly offered suggestions to help me drag myself out of the “dark country of no ideas.” You’ve told me about felons in your families, race riots in Tulsa, Okla., sunken ships, and assorted strange events in strange places. One of you suggested I write about the Peace Corps., others have . . .

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The ‘Devil’ is Back…On the New York Times Bestseller List

Erik Larson is very pleased to report that his Devil in the White City, first published in 2003, is back on the New York Times bestseller list, in the nonfiction paperback category. It appeared at a gratifyingly robust no. 8 (out of 20). Erik reports that this is like suddenly seeing a long-lost friend turn . . .

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Foreign Rights Sales of ‘In the Garden of Beasts’ Ramp Up; List of Publishers Now Includes Sweden, France, U.K., Brazil, Korea, and Russia

Erik is delighted to say that the number of publishers abroad who have acquired rights to publish In the Garden of Beastshas risen now to twelve, with additional sales in negotiation. The list includes Sweden, France, Korea, the Slovak Republic, and Russia. Erik wonders if they’ll all send him on book tours through their countries, . . .

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On the Road Again: Notes from the Tour de Beasts

So I just got back from the first leg of my book tour for In the Garden of Beasts, and I’ve got lots of intel about hotels, diners and other joints that I really liked. From time to time I’ll pass along descriptions of places I stumbled upon that for one reason or another seem . . .

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